Orthodontics (alignment)


Orthodontics plays an important role in improving the general condition of the human body, oral cavity and achieving balance and harmony of teeth, face, beautiful and healthy smile. An attractive smile gives you confidence that can radically change your life. Properly located teeth are easier to clean, reduces the risk of caries and the development of gum disease and bone tissue. The purpose of teeth alignment in Vinnitsa is to improve bite by distributing the chewing load, which is aimed at the teeth and their protection from injury.

In children
Even when a child has only milk teeth, it is possible to prevent the occurrence and progression of severe deformities of the facial bones and jaws. Often, at this age, treatment is reduced to eliminating bad habits, recommendations for a proper diet, and teaching the child to massage the facial tissues. Sometimes orthodontic nipples or children's vestibular plates are selected.

In adolescents
Starting at the age of 5.5, girls and boys get their first permanent teeth at the age of 6. It is very important to pay attention to the eruption of not only the front teeth, but also the first molars. The change of teeth ends at about 12-13 years of age (with the exception of wisdom teeth). At the age of 6-12 years, tooth curvature occurs when the timing of teething and jaw growth does not match. Training of the muscles of the lips, cheeks, and face is performed with the use of a trainer plate... This is a type of preventive, early orthodontic treatment that eliminates the causes of crooked teeth, usually without braces and tooth extraction, which contributes to the natural growth and development of the child. The treatment is best suited for children aged 3 to 15 years. It involves wearing a series of intraoral appliances for 1-2 hours during the day and all night during sleep. Sometimes it is necessary to perform plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper or lower lip. In severe cases, individual appliances are made to be worn around the clock.

In adults
At the age of 12-13, children change the last milk teeth and form a permanent bite. However, the growth of the jaws and the formation of the skeleton continues until the age of 18-20. Alignment at this age is carried out with braces to achieve the best results. The bracket system can stimulate or limit the growth of the jaws in the desired direction. In dentistry, UV-SYSTEM uses modern equipment, braces, and individually made night guards. Progressive technologies, proprietary techniques, accuracy of planning and implementation of the plan for teeth alignment and bite allow us to achieve good results at any age (even after 40 years).

THE BRACKET SYSTEM - is an orthodontic structure designed to correct the position of the teeth and the bite in general. It consists of several main elements, each of which has its own role and function in the treatment process. The main components are: bracket, arch and lock.
Braces and locks are fixed to the teeth with a special glue.

Lingual (internal) braces

Lingual braces are placed on the teeth from the inside. They remain invisible to others and allow socially active people to feel free to feel free and not worry about their appearance.

Sapphire braces

The braces themselves are made of artificial sapphire for medical use. They are grown in special conditions using the same technology as for jewellery. The only difference is that the stones are colourless and completely transparent. Thanks to this, sapphire braces not only do not stand out on the teeth, but also emphasise their natural whiteness. And when exposed to light, they shine in a multifaceted way, like an expensive piece of jewellery.

Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces are a vestibular system that is easily and securely attached to the outside of the teeth, remaining almost invisible to others due to its natural matte finish. Due to their rounded shape, they do not damage the lips and gums. High efficiency and no effect on diction.

Metal bracket system

Metal braces are widely used all over the world, they are effective, reliable and affordable, but have a less aesthetic appearance.